Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sprains and Allergies

Many of you heard of the strange allergic reaction that Mike got a few weeks ago. His whole body was suddenly covered in hives one day. That was awful. The doctor just said it was an allergy and they would have a really hard time figuring out what it came from. So he took some medicine and was better in about 3 days. (He wouldn't let me share the pictures:) Poor Mike, but it just keeps coming....

Mike plays softball every Tuesday and his team, the Greyhounds, is doing well with a 4 game winning streak. Well, hopefully they'll do just as well without Mike playing this Tuesday because these things don't heal in one week! (Much to Mike's disapointment)

He had an amazing hit, rounded first, went to second and decided to try for a triple. Well, with the slide and the guys leg in the way Mike didn't get back up (and he got out!) His buddys came over and helped him limp off the field with an already swollen ankle. Luckily they were almost finished with the second game, so he didn't have to miss too much that day! :)

Ok, these pictures decided to upload backwards, so the last one is the first day Mike sprained his right ankle. Then the second to last is the second day. The top three are all from the same day.


Amberly said...

Your ankle looks fabulous. It really is looking better. I am so sorry you got hurt. I hope it is feeling better.:)

hairprincess said...

Oh my goodness Mike you poor thing! That is the worst sprain I have ever seen too, I am so happy that you got pics of that, are you sure that last pic the baseball didnt end up IN your ankle, holy cow!
