Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Absentminded doctors frustrate me. Of course, many things frustrate me right now. I have a very small patience level. I also could do for a nap and more food. Guessed yet? A nice body pillow and more Unisom also would do wonders. If you haven't guessed yet- We're Pregnant!! :)
Yes, I know, you are all going to kill me for waiting for so long! But I got this brilliant idea that it would be so much fun to wait until we knew what we were having (boy, girl or alien) and then put this adorable picture up with little Baby Collett in the middle! As you can see-- there is no Baby Collett in the middle. That's because of my absentminded doctor. On our last visit he said that on the next visit we would do an ultrasound and check out all the organs- thus finding out what we were having. Well, after an hour and a half wait to see the doctor (emergency delivery this morning) we heard the heart beat again and were sent on our way. I questioned him and he wouldn't fess up to the mistake. Oh well, Mike can verify, he really did say that. So we scheduled our ultrasound for 4 weeks away and left, disappointed.
So, although I am 4 months pregnant, I look exactly the same (sorry to anyone who takes offence to that) so I didn't bother taking a picture. I could stick it out, but that's just lunch, or gas. Either way, it's not very accurate, so I left it out. You can just look at the same picture that's on everyone's blog :)


hairprincess said...

Wow my gumsy wumsy! I am excited for you although my anger for you not telling me till now as I blabbed my head off about getting pregnant with you guys in the pool(and the many other times you were pregnant without TELLING me!) may over power my happiness for you for the time, but I am sure that will pass.. :) I cant wait for you to gain some weight too, hehe yes I am evil:) Congrats!

Nicole said...

I second the weight gain comment! I gained all my weight with Ryder in the last 3 months... have fun! CONGRATS

michelle m said...

Congrats! :) We're happy for you!

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

Congratulations you two! I'm sure you are so excited and we are excited for you! Can't wait to find out what you're having!
