Sunday, August 3, 2008

Youtube Stars in the making???

Recently at work a coworker said he saw Alex and me on I thought that was a little weird. So I looked it up and found out that if you do a search for Provo, Utah, we are the second listing. We have over 5,000 views. We are thinking about dropping out of school and quitting work to be Youtube Stars. . . Or maybe we won't, but we will keep you updated. Today is a short post, because Alex usually does most of the posting.


Here is a link of the World Famous video:


michelle m said...


Perhaps you should ask your coworker why he is searching for you (or your wife) online...

Nicole said...

Pretty cool!

diana umina said...

Alright two just look way too happy in this...but then that is how it is supposed to be. Wish we had been able to do this when our first four kids married off....last two might just be bachleors for awhile still so there is hope for them?
Ma and Pa Umina in Boston
